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Home > Certificate > Certificate in Shelter Essentials
Certificate in Shelter Essentials
Africa Training Institute is pleased to announce a Certificate Course in Shelter Essentials. This is both an online and Distance Learning Course, which starts 1st of every month.

Overall Course Overview
The certificate course will provide an overview of the shelter sector, identifying the breadth of issues affecting emergency shelter, including principles and common practices.

The course covers the different types and objectives of different settlement options. In addition, you will be introduced to the Sphere Standards for shelter and settlement and learn about how the Shelter Cluster works with other clusters in the field. You will also chart the progression of shelter planning from Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and preparation, to immediate relief after an emergency and medium term recovery, and then on to long term durable solutions. The course also
details the stages of implementing shelter plans in design construction phases.

Through the participatory case study element of the course, you will have a chance to put into practice the theoretical knowledge you gain by conducting emergency shelter planning simulations of real scenarios.

By the end of the course you will be able to:

- Introduce the terms, shelter/sheltering and housing/home in the context ‘NGO speak’ of relief/emergency, transitional and reconstruction;
- Identify how shelter overlaps with other sectors – in particular health, water and sanitation and livelihoods;
- Identify the key actors involved in post-disaster shelter;
- Understand shelter within the context of local construction practice: livelihoods, skills, sustainability, etc.;
- Describe the variety of circumstances in which shelter programmes might be required;
- Explain the need for engineering standards and good construction practice;
- Describe the different settlement options for displaced populations and list different land and property ownership types;
- Explain the complex nature of the construction process, listing some of the skills needed to run an effective shelter project;
- Identify good practice and what is unacceptable;
- Explain how and why quality is often compromised.
The Following are the Key Thematic Areas Participants Will Cover:
  1. Fundamentals of Emergency Shelter Programming and Links with other sectors

  2. Settlement Options

  3. Challenges and Issues facing the shelter sector

  4. Standards and Protocols that affect Shelter Programmes

  5. Different Organizational Models for running Shelter Programmes

  6. Preparedness, Design and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

  7. Scenario Planning

Training Format:
- All materials are made available through Online or Distance Learning Approaches;
- Approximately 8-10 hours time commitment of your time per week;
- At your own time schedule, no live participation needed;
- Weekly Feedback from committed instructors
- Participants are expected to submit weekly assignments electronically to earn Certificate of Completion.

Computing Requirements
Participants will need to use email, upload and download word docs, PowerPoint files and PDFs, and post on the discussion board or send assignments by email. If you do not have internet speed sufficient to download materials, an offline DVD or hard copies course may be the right alternative for you. Materials Provided: Online delivery of curriculum materials, exercises and templates.

After they have read the material for each unit, students are expected to test their own learning by completing relevant exercises and tasks.

In order to demonstrate their understanding of the course content, students will be required to submit three assignments.

Course Fee: USD 500
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