Certificate: Social Justice and Human Rights
Module 1: Introduction of Human Rights
Understanding Human Rights
Human Rights and Human Society
History and Philosophy of Human Rights
Concepts and Nature of Human Rights
Human Rights Standards at the Universal Level
Implementation of Universal Human Rights Instruments
Human Rights and Civil Society
Module 2: Fundamental Elements of Rights Systems
Rights vs Entitlements
Obligations vs Commitments
Accountability Mechanisms
Module 3: Fundamental Human Rights Principles
Sources of Human Rights
Customary International Law
Human Rights as the Guarantor of Human Dignity
Implementing Human Rights
The Requirement of Legality
The Rule of Law
The Right to an Effective Remedy
Module 4: Concepts and Development of Human Rights and Social Justice
The Concept of Justice
Historical Development of the Concept of Justice
The Scope of Social Justice
Components of Social Justice
Human Rights Approach to Social Justice
The Relationship Between Human Rights and Social Justice
Difference between Social Justice and Social Inclusion
United Nations and Social Justice