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Get in Touch

We can help you further your skills or get recognized for the ones you already have. Choose from one of our professionally curated courses from humanitarian, academic and private sector partners globally and locally.
Africa Training Institute works with leading frontline organizations and institutions around the globe to equip humanitarian aid workers with everything they need to support relief efforts in times of disaster and crisis. Along with our partner organizations, we offer online courses, hands on training sessions and a recognized certification program to provide you with the information, skills, and accreditation you need to get hired and succeed.

For Registration, Press, Partnership & General Inquiries,
Please reach out on:
The Academic Manager, 
Africa Training Institute,
United Nations Avenue,
Gigiri, Limuru Road, Nairobi, Kenya.
+254-723-305-358 / +254-716-875-205
Learn New Skills For an Evolving World
Learn at your own pace, with flexible and personalised training courses designed to build your confidence and help you thrive.