Diploma In Humanitarian And Development Studies
The programme responds to the need for qualified workers in disaster relief and development, in government and non-government agencies involved in humanitarian operations and development practice; addressing challenges and opportunities associated with various forms of national and international migration; public health programming, preparedness and response; and building the resilience of vulnerable populations. The purpose of the programme is for the practical application of specialized theoretical knowledge in humanitarian and development contexts.
• To identify and promote standards of good practice in humanitarian responses
• To examine strategies for early warning and prevention of humanitarian crises.
• To encourage cooperation and dialogue between governmental, non-governmental, national and international agencies involved in humanitarian
• To create a more effective synergy between emergency humanitarian interventions and programmes promoting sustainable development.
Module 1: Public Health in Complex Emergencies (Advanced)
Public Health and Communicable Disease Control
Food and Nutrition
Reproductive Health; HIV/AIDS
Sexual violence; Torture
Mental Health
Module 2: Emergency and Disaster Management and Safety Management
Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis
Disaster Preparedness and Response
Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
Reporting, Information and Documentation in Disasters
Module 3: The Humanitarian Arena
Political, Social and Economic context
Complex Humanitarian Emergencies, Fragile States
Natural Disasters, Global Climate Change
International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights
Humanitarian Ethics and Codes of Conduct
The role of the Media
Module 4: Process towards stability and sustainable development
The role of the military in humanitarian interventions
Peacekeeping, peace-building and peace-making
Repatriation and reintegration; Tracing
Post conflict rehabilitation and demobilization; Child Soldiers
Managing the transition to sustainable development
Economic stabilization and sustainable livelihoods
Exit strategies in humanitarian assistance programmes
• Students should commit approximately 5-6 hours of their time per week
• Online interaction with Course Moderators
• Monthly assignments
• 15-20 Page Project Paper
• End of Course Examination
• Certification