Home > Diploma Courses > Post Graduate Diploma in Humanitarian Leadership and Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Humanitarian Leadership and Management
Africa Training Institute is pleased to announce a Post Graduate Diploma in Humanitarian Leadership and Management Course. This is both an online and Distance Learning Course, which starts 1st of every month.
Overall Course Overview
Humanitarian personnel experience tremendous challenges when managing teams to deliver humanitarian actions. To effectively manage humanitarian teams and realize the expected results especially in crisis or pressured situations, leadership and management skills become critical. This course is designed and moderated by professional humanitarians with the objective of transforming the leadership offered by humanitarian organizations.
Humanitarian Leadership examines the values, principles methodologies and challenges that underscore humanitarian operations. The course goes beyond theory. Using real-life examples, the course is designed to empower national and international managers within the aid system so they can acquire skills to manage their teams and positively impact on communities and organizations involved in humanitarian operations.
Course Objectives
- Promote humanitarian standards and principles in managing crisis situation
- Develop capacity to work with humanitarian teams effectively
- Acquire values expected of those working in humanitarian situations
- Acquire tools for designing and effectively managing humanitarian programmes
- Focus on results based approach in managing humanitarian operations
- Communicate effectively in humanitarian and hostile environments
Minimum Entry Requirements
Common regulations governing Post-Graduate Diplomas shall be applicable
The following shall be eligible for admission
- Holders of a Bachelor's Degree from a recognizable University
- Holders of an equivalent qualification from any other recognizable Institution
- The Entire Duration is one year (2 Semesters - 52 weeks - 5 to 6 hours per week)
- Candidates shall be expected to submit 10 Assignments (Continuous Assessment Tests) that account to 60% of their Final Grade, and a Research Paper at the tail end of the course which accounts to 30% of their Final Grade and a Final Examination that accounts to 10% of Final Grade.
Mode of Delivery
Online / Distance Learning
Cost of the Course
USD 1 000
Application Procedure
Applicants should fill out a detailed Application form and send it back via e-mail to info@africatraininginstitute.org
General Course Contact
The Academics Manager,
Africa Training Institute Studies (ATI)
E-mail: info@africatraininginstitute.org
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